When people ask me what I like to do, writing usually ends up being the least of things I mention. Sometimes I even list baking before writing, and I guess by now everyone who knows me has guessed already that I barely bake like once or twice per year. And don’t get me wrong, I love writing. But I have a complicated relationship with writing, and I have had for the past decade.

Ever since I was a child I liked writing. Through my whole elementary school years, I constantly got this weekly homework of writing, and depending on the year the topic was stories, biographies, about animals, etc. They were bad, as expected. But it was the start of something. That something evolved into writing awful stories in middle school and later into fanfics by the time I was in high school.

I was so dedicated to it that for many years my whole internet persona revolved around fanfics I was reading and the ones I was writing. I didn’t have a lot of friends and most of them were online ones, so I had a lot of spare time to focus on improving my writing.

It eventually changed when I faced the struggles of the adult life and I got into a writer’s block that has lasted more years than I would like to admit. I’ve been trying to fight it through the years, with poor attempts of unfinished short stories that just fill my folder with yet another failure to add to the list. It frustrates me and makes me sad.
During the pandemic, as I have stated multiple times, I turned to Twitch as a means to be able to interact with people while also doing something about the loneliness I was feeling, but even with my mind occupied doing something that I thoroughly love, my thoughts always wandered around the idea of writing again.

After all, one of the things I would like to achieve someday is writing a book.

I started this blog with the innocent idea of writing reviews of games I play and books I read, because if my mind couldn’t put into words the ideas I had for stories, maybe it would be easier to write an opinion about something. Sweet summer child, right? Whether for the lack of time or thoughts to express, it hasn’t been easy, and I haven’t been as consistent as I would like to.

Hence why I was socially pressured by a friend to join him in the pain that, for us inconsistent people, it is blogging almost daily for a month; which is also known as Blaugust. Something that I want to make very clear is that, despite everything, I don’t consider myself a blogger. But at this point I’ll take whatever as long as I can achieve the end goal which is, after all, very simple: writing.

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